Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Brother

Sent the phone in for repairs today and my 'nice' brother accompanied me. Having just returned frm sch, he changed and was back in my room within 2 min with me still playing travian in my pyjames at 2pm in the afternoon. oopsy!

After tsking me rather loudly, I hastily got dressed and we set off for Simei with him walking really far apart frm me. He was afraid ppl wld mistake us for a couple. Zzzzzz! Claiming to be 12cm taller (I bet it is at most only 5cm!!) my brother must be the most egoistical man to walk to Earth. But, he boils it down to one wrd, charisma. %^&#%$*

Sending the phone in took less than 10 min and he went off to Tanah Merah to play netball with a "chiobu" and her friends. When asked why he didn't go to Pasir Ris to play Nintendo Wii with his best friend (a guy) instead, he replied matter-of-factly...

"Sister, I am at an age where priorities change."

I nearly fainted on the spot. Btw, he is but all of 13 yrs old.


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